Sunday, March 3, 2013

Clomid tears

So last night, we were finally watching the Top Chef finale, and as soon as the live competition started, I teared up!  Now, my husband is used to my propensity for shedding a tear during "sports moments," (overtime goals, amazing shots, last minute wins), but this was absolutely ridiculous.  I mean, top chef tears?  That is a new one.

Fast forward to this morning, and I was sitting on the couch, eating my cereal, thinking about the long list of things I had to do today for work and the house...more tears.  And the crazy part is, I'm not even a cryer - I don't usually cry about much at all, about anything.  I hate the way Clomid makes me feel.

As my mom said on the phone today, I sound blue.  I think blue is color those little devil pills should warn you about how you will feel on them.  At least last night was the last one for this cycle - and most likely, ever, as I do not think it's worth it to go above and beyond the 3 medicated IUI cycles that the insurance requires before IVF, when it's not helping our chances much and makes me feel this miserable. Hopefully the next week will go quickly, as the side-effects seem to last until ovulation, and hopefully I don't have any "meeting tears" the next few days when I'm in charge...

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